Commemorating the 65th Anniversary,
We are genuine in our desire for the words will help to improve your Aikido.
11th January 2019
Manseikan Aikido

Aiki is the way of love.
It is the path that brings our hearts into oneness
with the spirit of the universe, to complete our purpose in life
by instilling in us a love and reverence for all of nature.
Aiki overcomes self.
It not only takes hostility from our hearts,
but in making those who appear as enemies enemies no more,
leads to absolute perfection of self.
This martial art, therefore,
is the supreme way and call to unite our body and spirit under the law of the universe.Aikido founder - Morihei Ueshiba.

“Manseikan Aikido is the way to image and embody the will of the Aikido founder, O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba correctly.”
Manseikan Aikido founder - Kanshu Sunadomari
“The Spirit of Aikido”

To make the O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba’s Waza of TAKEMUSU AIKIDO getting closer to the stage of his mind, we need to start with truly knowing its spirit.
After keenly aware that my powerless Waza was far from perfect, I was conscious that I could not reach at his hope of Aikido by just practicing forms of Aikido techniques, and I elicited “The Spirit of Aikido” from his will, then I tried to apply it to my Aikido techniques.
It had been 20 years since I had specialised in Aikido, I realised that my Waza reached close to the O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba’s Waza of TAKEMUSU AIKIDO, I elicited the words from his will that everyone could realise, and we posted the words on the wall of our Manseikan Aikido Dojos. We have been responding it as “The Spirit of Aikido” within each Dojo every time before starting Aikido practice since 1974.
I believe that the words fully contains the all of mind and goal of Aikido.
I guess that some people might think the words is difficult, and regard it as just an ideology, but the words is the goal in common not only for Aikido practitioners but also for human beings.
The nature of the earth has been getting destroyed nowadays, all the more reason, the words has a deep and great meaning itself.
Manseikan Aikido founder - Kanshu Sunadomari

“Manseikan Aikido has been staying down to earth, but each of us are practicing to harmonise with an opposite to hand the Heart of Waza to the next generation.”
Manseikan Aikido founder - Kanshu Sunadomari
THE DEDICATIONWe would like to express our deep appreciation
And we would like to offer our most sincere condolences to his family.
Manseikan Aikido
since 1954.

Nagasaki Dojo
founded in June 1965
by Hideo Matsuo
Kumamoto Dojo
founded in January 1954
by Yoshiaki Nakashima,Kanshu Sunadomari
Tokyo Ariake University of
Medical and Health Sciences Aikido Club
founded in December 2010
by Yoshihisa Koga
Izumi Dojo
founded in May 1976
by Chozaburo Moroi
Kagoshima Dojo
founded in July 1960
by Kanshu Sunadomari, Gunkichi Oishi
Kagoshima University Aikido Club
founded in April 1965
by Chozaburo Moroi
Yokohama Dojo
founded in April 1984
by Tsukasa Uno
What is Aikido?
Aikido is a form of Budo (martial art) invented by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969).
Morihei Ueshiba was born in Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture. He immersed himself in many schools of martial arts including Jukendo, Shinkage ryu jujitsu, Sosei ryu jujitsu, Yagyu ryu jujitsu, Daito ryu jujitsu, and Hozoin ryu sojutsu. Together with this, he undertook numerous types of hard spiritual training.
Aikido came out as a culmination of all of this.
Morihei Ueshiba constantly repeated these words: 'Aikido is love. To know the mind of the universe as our own, and to love all living things equally is the mission of ourselves and Budo. In Aiki the ego is conquered, so that all desires to create conflict cease. More than that, the enemy itself ceases to exist. This is a path towards complete self-perfection- these techniques are the laws of the universe integrated into the body. They merge the body and spirit into one, so that in this process we may reach that Ultimate state beyond.'
This words come from someone who took martial arts to the very highest level and was not restricted by any one method. They fully express the supreme level of his attainment.
In Aikido it is possible to avoid fighting force with force; by using the circular turning movement of the body, one can bring the opponent down with a single touch. The opponent is brought in beautifully into ones own flow of Ki without any need to resist. One never has to resort to conflict either verbally or physically. Elderly people, therefore, can also practise it without any difficulty.
It has been described in many different ways by people. Some see it as the highest form of self-defense, others as both a martial art and form of dance, and others a fitness method for anyone and everyone. These descriptions only really touch on it's real essence.
Aikido, the culmination of Morihei Ueshiba's research into the essence of ancient Japanese Budo is everchanging and evolving. It serves as development for children and training for adults young and old, without distinction of gender.
Manseikan Aikido founder - Kanshu Sunadomari
50 Years have passed since the Aikido founder,
O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba passed away
“The gift from the God”
The Aikido founder, O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba said,
“Aikido is a divine budo and the gift from the God.”
All Aikido practitioners should think deeply about that and should not foul the great footsteps of the O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba.
Manseikan Aikido founder –Kanshu Sunadomari